Ms. Battle-Fisher spoke at TEDxDARtmouth 2018 "Paradigm Shift".

Date: April 21, 2018



Filene Auditorium

"Can a systems thinking curriculum improve health outcomes?"

Direct links:

  1. (TED website)

2. (TEDx YouTube CHANNEL)

 Systems thinking is meant to highlight just how dynamically human we are as patients. In response to the need to develop complexity-savvy clinicians, an innovative required curriculum called Health Systems Science is considered the “third pillar of medicine” alongside basic and clinical sciences. Michele answers why delving into tackling complexity within medical school pedagogy will make physicians better prepared for medical practice.

A free interactive lesson (Systems Thinking, Health Systems Science and Tackling Complex Health Care) based on this talk is available on TED-ED at

Me speaking at TEDxDartmouth 2018- copyright Dartmouth College

Systems thinking is meant to highlight just how dynamically human we are as patients. In response to the need to develop complexity-savvy clinicians, an innovative required curriculum called Health Systems Science is considered the "third pillar of medicine" alongside basic and clinical sciences.